Our Services
Individual services we provide:
Acute Injury Care
- Orthopedic physicians via telehealth
- Orthopedic specialists will communicate over the phone using the most current language based off regulations from Fed-OSHA and Cal-OSHA to achieve better, more accurate outcomes for your employee.
- PulzAid’s orthopedic specialist-first methodology are proven to reduce costs for workplace injury.
- Mobile X-Rays
- We dispatch mobile x-ray technicians for the convenience of both the employer and the employee.
- Once scheduled, PulzAid can accommodate locations such as: worksites, offices, private residences, retail spaces/locations, and many more!
- MRI injury care
- We have an extensive network of clinics across California, so we can provide aid to you quickly and cost effectively (usually get an appointment within 5 working days). According to researchers at Cornell, the national average wait time is 21-28 days!
- MRIs will get to the root of all injury - and is the most requested imaging modality by both employers and employees!
- Worksite Safety Consultations
- Work with our expertly trained EH&S consultants and Board-certified occupational health specialists.
- For any worksite, PulzAid’s team can help build and improve safety plans, health surveillance, and more!
Physical Clearance Exams
PulzAid currently offers the following health surveillance programs:
- Silica
- According to OSHA regulations, silica physical exams must be completed for employees that wear respirators for 30 or more days during the year. Silica exams must be offered at least every three years following an employee’s first exam, which must be offered within 30 days of the worker’s first day of that job.
- Asbestos
- According to OSHA standards, employees exposed to asbestos fibers must have a physical exam annually, upon termination of employment, as well as a chest x-ray every five years within the first ten years of exposure.
- Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)
- Contact our sales department so we can build a custom surveillance program for your specific HAZMAT needs!
Medical Surveillance
We can source vaccines, consultations, and even more.
- Regular Vaccines
- PulzAid can source vaccines-here are a few of what we’re currently administrating: Flu, HepA, Tetanus
- Consultations
- Our mobile nurse partners will administer the vaccines on site. We can give you a consultation of what vaccines are required.
- More Services
- Let us know what kind of programs you want us to administer, and we’ll set it up for you!
Currently we have full operations in 20 states and clinics in 7 states!